My Services
Here's how I help my clients expand their ability to RECEIVE - so they can dramatically increase their income and impact...
Having complete peace of mind and living in alignment will change your life, this is for you...and
Here's a Taste of What's Possible...
VIP Intensive; Mindset Makeover
We meet as a group (virtually or in person) for the day, unravel your thought cycles and patterns, that keep you from Manifesting your deepest desires and and fully set you up with the tools to create a financial & spiritual breakthrough! 5 women max
3 Month Alignment UpLevel
Get my direct support over the course of 3 full months with my 1:1 Spiritual Coaching. You receive weekly online 1:1 coaching sessions, an intensive energy reading, customized meditations, resources and more. It’s my signature program and has helped countless women fall in love with their life, their money and heal themselves and their stories...moving them into true alignment with their true selves.
Private Readings, Home Parties, Group Readings
Mediumship is great way to connect with your loved ones in Spirit. Sessions are not only an opportunity for healing, but there is laughter, tears, and a wonderful sense of connection with each other as well as those who come through in Spirit.
Private sessions, and home parties (6-10 people) are both available in person or via zoom, and there is no difference in the information is energy and neither Spirit nor I need to be in your physical presence to connect.
Public events, are of course, held in person and are for groups of 20+ people. In this type of setting not everyone is guaranteed a reading but all present will receive healing from being in attendance and hearing the readings and watching the healing of others. A reading for one is a reading for all, so everyone will take something away from the event.